My Journey...

Hello, my name is Karrin Melton, the creator of GiveMyBrain.Space

In 2016, I was diagnosed with a Cerebellar Tonsillar Ectopia with a herniation of 4.5 mm (during a supine MRI). Over the years my herniation was measured between 4.5 - 6.9 mm. Which initially some doctors told me "there's a margin of error:"

Like many others with this diagnosis, my path to finding clarity and relief was long, confusing, and not direct. Until I spoke wihth a Chiari specialists, many neuroglosits/neurgosurgeons disregarded the herniation as the cause of my symptoms. Some questioned whether my symptoms were from emotional/mental stress, fibromyalgia, EDS, and more.

I eventually found a Chiari speciliast who confirmed my diagnosis and performed a deompression surgery. During my recovery I created GiveMyBrain.Space to practice coding then figured perhaps it could be helpful for others.